今週のアクセス数上位ポート Top Ports Accessed This Week

今週は22万件でした。 アクセス数上位ポート ①445 ②22 ③23 ④25 ⑤3389
There were 220,000 accesses this week. Top ports accessed: 1) 445, 2) 22, 3) 23, 4) 25, 5) 3389
This week, we were unable to observe about 3/4 of the time due to server problems.
We had set the T-POT history to 500 days, but this happened after about 2 months had passed. kibana had been caching the logs for too long, and the server could no longer tolerate it? This glitch will actually continue into the next week.
Because I myself was infected with COVID-19 and was down for a week, I was late to notice this glitch, and the collection remained unstable until the next week.
It is unfortunate.
So, although I was not able to collect constantly for a week, I feel that I was able to make observations excluding DDoS because of this. Looking at the top five accesses, most of the searches were for "SMB," "SSH," "Telnet," "smtp," and "RDP," all of which I would drool over if I could break through authentication.
今週のアクセス数上位国 Top countries accessed this week

アクセス数上位国 ①中国(22) ②モナコ(2267) ③ブラジル(445) ④アメリカ(25) ⑤インド(445)
Top Access Countries ①China (22) ②Monaco (2267) ③Brazil (445) ④USA (25) ⑤India (445)
Although the number of hours observed this week was negligible, even in those few hours, port 22 (SSH) and port 445 (SMB) were observed to be accessed quickly. I guess they are always being searched.
今週の攻撃IDパスワード Attack ID & password of the week

7/21 | フィッシング対策協議会は、「認証方法」に関するアンケート結果を公表した。 | 8/22 JPCERT/CC |