今週のアクセス数上位ポート Top Ports Accessed This Week

アクセス数上位ポート①123(NTP) ②SMB(445) ③22(SSH) ④3389(RDP) ⑤40293(???)
There were 1.69 million accesses this week.
Top accessed ports: 1) 123 (NTP) 2) SMB (445) 3) 22 (SSH) 4) 3389 (RDP) 5) 40293(???)
The number of cases exceeded 1,000,000 again. Considering the T-Pot glitch last week and the glitches we have seen so far, it may be that as the server gets worse, it is unable to handle more attacks and detection is decreasing.

上図は、特に上位ポートだけを抜き出してみました。まんべんなくアクセスが来ているのではなく、10日(JST)~11日にかけて集中していました。その中身は、「Cookie: mstshash=a」です。RDP(リモートデスクトップ)の「a」ユーザー宛への試行のようです。
Now, recently, it seems that access to ports higher than port 1024 is increasing.
The above figure shows only the top ports in particular. The accesses were not evenly distributed, but were concentrated from the 10th (JST) to the 11th. The content is "Cookie: mstshash=a", which seems to be an attempt to the RDP (remote desktop) user "a".

And the graph on the right shows only Russia extracted. The accesses, especially from the 10th to the 11th, overlap with the above figure.
The majority of accesses to the top ports were from Russia.
Also, if you read "Threats in Cyberspace (First Half of 2023)," it says that "vulnerability-seeking activities targeting IoT devices" are on the increase. In particular, since IoT devices utilize more than 1024 high-level ports, access to high-level ports is on the rise.
今週のアクセス数上位国 Top countries accessed this week

① ロシア(3389)RDP
② ベトナム(445)SMB
③ 中国(22)SSH
④ 台湾(22)SSH
⑤ アメリカ(22)SSH

Top Access Countries (Non-DoS)
1) Russia (3389) RDP
2) Vietnam (445) SMB
3) China (22) SSH
4) Taiwan (22) SSH
5) U.S.A. (22) SSH
Russia was the best this week. But even if port 3389 (RDP) in Russia was the best, each of the other top ports had more than 10,000 accesses across the board. This is a dantotch compared to other countries. Was this the access to identify IoT devices?
今週の攻撃IDパスワード Attack ID & password of the week

「UPnP service discovery attempt」が目立ちます。桁が違い1,000万件台です。
UPnP service discovery attempt" stands out. The number of attempts is in the 10 million range.
10/10 | フィッシング対策協議会によると、9月のフィッシング攻撃に関する報告は3か月振りに11万件を超え増加しているという。フィッシングサイトに悪用されたトップレベルドメインは「.com」が約53%、「cn」が約15%が目立つ。 | SecurityNext |