
アクセス数上位ポート ①445 ②22 ③5900 ④123 ⑤6379
There were 1.37 million accesses this week.
Top access ports (1) 445 (2) 22 (3) 5900 (4) 123 (5) 6379
The first through fourth places are in the same order as usual, and access to port 6379 in fifth place is also a port that always ranks high.


England around 3/11 was accessed from port 22; New Zealand on 3/15 was also accessed from port 22. Belgium, which was regularly accessed, was accessed from all ports.
The figure above is an extract of accesses from Belgium. It went up and down on a regular basis in a very interesting way. As usual, there were repeated accesses to all ports, rather than any one port in particular.

①エジプト(445) ②ニュージーランド(5900)
③中国(22) ④アメリカ(5900)
⑤イギリス(22) ⑥シンガポール(22)
Top countries accessed
① Egypt (445) ② New Zealand (5900)
③ China (22) ④United States (5900)
⑤United Kingdom (22) ⑥ Singapore (22)
As usual, accesses from Belgium are evenly distributed. However, there is a characteristic that accesses from ports other than the welknown port are coming evenly. Unusually, Egypt is at the top of the list this time. Moreover, almost 99% of the accesses from Egypt were from port 445.

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