
アクセス数上位ポート ①123(NTP) ②445(SMB) ③22(SSH) ④25(SMTP) ⑤23(TELNET)
The number of accesses this week was 1.2 million.
Top access ports: ①123 (NTP) ②445 (SMB) ③22 (SSH) ④25 (SMTP) ⑤23 (TELNET)
The number of accesses decreased slightly last week. This week, however, the number of accesses increased again to nearly 170,000. Unusually, accesses from the Netherlands and Denmark increased this week. However, the accesses were concentrated. From the Netherlands, accesses came from port 22, and from Denmark, accesses came intensively from port 25.

The figure above shows access to port 123. Continuing from last week, Hong Kong is showing its own unique behavior, but the rest of the countries are showing almost the same behavior.

The above figure shows access to port 445. This is also the same as last week, with countries fluctuating, but access from each country is concentrated for a brief moment.

① デンマーク(25)SMTP
② アメリカ(22)SSH
③ インド(445)SMB
④ 中国(22)SSH
⑤ オランダ(22) SSH

Top countries by number of accesses (other than DDoS) 1) Denmark (25) SMTP 2) U.S.A. (22) SSH 3) India (445) SMB 4) China (22) SSH 5) Netherlands (22) SSH This week, access to port 25 from Denmark is prominent. Denmark itself rarely appears at the top of the list. India's number 445 continues to be high, as it was last week. However, Vietnam, which was in second place last week, did not rank this week.

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