
アクセス数上位ポート ①53(DNS) ②123(NTP) ③445(SMB) ④5901(VNC) ⑤25(SMTP)
There were 1.12 million accesses this week.
Top ports accessed: ①53 (DNS) ②123 (NTP) ③445 (SMB) ④5901 (VNC) ⑤25 (SMTP)
This week, DDoS (DNS, NTP) increased again and exceeded 1 million accesses; the extreme accesses to port 53 on November 30 at 21:00 (JST) and December 2 at 0:00 (JST) (all from Brazil) were prominent, making the other accesses fade away. The December 2 one, in particular, averaged out to 10 accesses/second. This may be the limit of what an individual can receive.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


There were so many DDoS that it was difficult to see other accesses, so we extracted those other than ports 53 and 123. As usual, there are many around 445,5901,25,23,22.
The figure on the right also shows non-DDoS accesses by country. Belgium had three consecutive prominent accesses to port 445, port 25, and port 445.

① アメリカ(5901)VNC
② 中国(22)SSH
③ ベルギー(443)SSH
④ ブラジル(445)SMB
⑤ インドネシア(445)SMB

Top countries by number of accesses (excluding DDoS)
1) U.S.A. (5901) VNC
2) China (22) SSH
3) Belgium (443) SSH
4) Brazil (445) SMB
5) Indonesia (445) SMB
This week, port 445 in Indonesia is ranked 5th. Considering that port 445 had about 94,000 entries last week, we can say that this week's 7,000 entries are a sharp decrease. That said, access to port 5901 in the U.S. has been prominent for the last week or so.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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