今週のアクセス数上位ポート Top Ports Accessed This Week

アクセス数上位ポート ①445(SMB) ②123(NTP) ③28328(?) ④22(SSH) ⑤1435(?)
There were 990,000 accesses this week.
Top access ports ①445(SMB) ②123(NTP) ③28328(?) 4) 22 (SSH) 5) 1435(?)
As noted in "Top Countries Accessed This Week," the purpose of access to port 28318 is not clear. However, the access to port 1435 seems to be to download "android-cts-7.1_r6-linux_x86-arm.zip". But I don't know ・・・・ what this file is or if it is malicious.

This week, the number of cases fell below 1 million for a long time. As shown in the chart above, this can be attributed to the decrease in NTPs, which have hardly been coming in since the 22nd. The overall number of attacks decreased considerably for a brief moment on the 19th, but the NTPs were out of line with that trend. Instead, from the 22nd, they almost stopped coming.

As access to port 123 decreased, SMB 445 emerged as the headline. Access to port 445 was being attempted in turn from various countries.
今週のアクセス数上位国 Top countries accessed this week

① インド(28326)???
② 中国(22)SSH
③ アメリカ(22)SSH
④ 韓国(445)SMB
⑤ ロシア(445)SMB

Top countries by number of accesses (other than DoS)
① India (28326)?
② China (22)SSH
③ U.S.A. (22)SSH
④ Korea (445) SMB
⑤ Russia (445) SMB
India had the most accesses to port 28326 this week. We could not tell what was going on by the port number. Is it just a whim?
今週の攻撃IDパスワード Attack ID & password of the week
