
アクセス数上位ポート ①445(SMB) ②5060(SIP) ③123(VTP) ④5900(RDP:VNC,Apple) ⑤22(SSH)
今週も、5060番ポートへのアクセスは多かったです。ただ今週は、先週同様オランダからのアクセスででしたが、5月9日 夕方(JST)の80,000万件のアクセスだけが目立っていました。


The number of accesses this week was 1.19 million.
Top accessed ports ①445 (SMB) ②5060 (SIP) ③123 (VTP) ④5900 (RDP:VNC,Apple) ⑤22 (SSH)
There were many accesses to port 5060 this week as well. This week, however, only the 80,000,000 accesses on the evening of May 9 (JST) stood out, although they were from the Netherlands as last week.
This week, for the first time in a long time, there was a direct access (circled in green) to my global IP address via Telnet.
All Telnet accesses are from Poland, but since May 5, I feel some kind of regularity in the accesses.

アクセス数上位国 ①ポーランド(25) ②アメリカ(123) ③中国(445) ④オランダ(5060) ⑤シンガポール(22)
Top Access Countries ① Poland (25) ② U.S.A. (123) ③ China (445) ④ Netherlands (5060) ⑤ Singapore (22)
Although there were many accesses to port 5060 in the Netherlands again this week, the fact that it was accessed only once, in contrast to last week when it peaked three times, caused it to fall back to fourth place? The number of accesses to port 5060 in the Netherlands was high this week.
The number one port was accessed from Poland. From Poland, there were accesses to all ports.

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