
アクセス数上位ポート ①123(NTP) ②445(SMB) ③22(SSH) ④19(chargen) ⑤3389(RDP)
There were 720,000 accesses this week.
Top accessed ports ①123 (NTP) ②445 (SMB) ③22 (SSH) ④19 (chargen) ⑤3389 (RDP)
This week, as in the previous week, the number of accesses did not reach 1 million due to the lack of accesses to port 53 of the DNS. Still, as usual, 123 and 445 accounted for most of them.


Other than DDoS, the number one port is still port 445. Others follow with ports 22, 3389, 23, and 6389. There are many search systems that involve logging in.
By country, the United States, followed by China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, and Japan. It is always the case that many are from major countries.

① 中国(22)SSH
② インド(445)SMB
③ インドネシア(445)SMB
④ アメリカ(22)SSH
⑤ シンガポール(22)SSH

①China (22) SSH
②India (445)SMB
④United States of America (22)SSH
Other than DDoS, the majority of accesses were from 445 and 22 as usual. As for accesses from Japan, except for 3389 (RDP), the top ports accounted for most of the accesses, and no specific accesses could be observed. Also, each of them were so few in number that they did not come up in the Excel formatted data, even though they appeared in the pie chart.

This week, the password "M3gaP33!" suddenly appeared, which had never appeared before. What is this?

The upper left figure is the data published by SANS. The upper right figure is what I observed with my T-Pot. It is a graph of the frequency of access attempts with the password "M3gaP33! The time of day (JST in the upper right figure) is a little different, but the same thing is happening: suddenly it appears, and then suddenly it disappears. Is it a password that someone suddenly came up with?