
アクセス数上位ポート ①53 ②123 ③445 ④23 ⑤19
This week there were 2.99 million cases. Rounding to the nearest thousand, the number is a whopping 3 million. This is the first time we have approached 3 million.
Top access ports (1) 53 (2) 123 (3) 445 (4) 23 (5) 19
As expected, accesses to port 53 ranked first. In the past, accesses to port 53 did not come in, so we asked the T-Pot maintainer what we should do. In that exchange, I was told that "DNS access to port 53 is the first priority. In that exchange, I was told that the DNS DDoS was so great that I should consider whether that observation was really necessary. Looking at the current results, I agree with what you said. If we leave it as it is, it will be a terrible thing. But for now, I will continue to observe it as is.

The above figure shows the results excluding accesses to ports 123 and 53.
Port 19 is also counted as DDoS in the Ddospot observation, so excluding it, ports 445, 22, and 6379 stand out. It is strange that port 2323 is there. I found this article...is this a "Mirai" attack? The article itself is 5 years old, but is it still active?
By the way, it seems that the access that came to port 2323 was to download the "android-cts-7.1_r6-linux_x86-arm.zip" that I had blogged about before. Is this related to "Mirai"? Or is it something else? How does this zip file affect you?


The left figure shows the results for port 53 only. Compared to last week, the number of attacks from other countries has increased, and from Brazil, it looks a little quieter. Still, it remains a threat.
The right chart shows only port 123. The overall harmony is still the same.
The first and second places of the U.S. and Hong Kong are unchanged.

① ベトナム(2323)?

Top countries by number of accesses (other than DDoS)
① Vietnam (2323)?
② Brazil (445) SMB
③United States (22) SSH
④Philippines (445) SMB
⑤ Belgium (1026)
Belgium, as in the past week, has access to a variety of ports evenly distributed. It is rare to see Iran coming in, but mostly access to port 445.
